Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Genital Warts Treatment
Genital warts are caused by a virus known as human papillomavirus, or HPV. You've probably heard of this virus as a result of the recent media attention it has received. HPV is easy to person through intimate sexual contact spread from person. Some people will not even know they have HPV because it may produce no symptoms. Other people will get genital warts from this virus. If you have genital warts, you should be aware of the things that your doctor will not tell you about genital warts treatment.
The first thing you need to be aware of when thinking about genital warts treatment, the warts can return after being removed. You can get rid of warts, but you can the virus that causes them not to kill. Therefore, as long as you have HPV in your system, you can get genital warts repeatedly. The best way to get rid of HPV is to eat healthy and get plenty of rest. This will be a healthy immune system, which can be built instrumental in eliminating HPV.
Another thing you should be aware of a genital warts treatment, it can hurt. Your doctor will use creams, electric current or even surgical instruments to destroy the warts or to cut them off from the skin. The creams that contain harsh chemicals used, which are very irritating to the skin. With the aid of tools to cut away the warts can, of course, cause a certain degree of pain. The same applies for controlling an electric current through the warts.
There is a vaccine on the market is assumed now HPV. This vaccine began put on the market only for young women. However, recently researchers and doctors are not aimed at young men as well. But what they do not tell you this vaccine has been linked to a number of serious side effects. Young men and women are also getting HPV, even after being vaccinated. So it seems the vaccine is a waste of money, and it is potentially dangerous.
If you want the best genital warts treatment then you should take care of yourself. If you smoke, quit. Smoking has been linked to the development of genital warts and the change in risk HPV cervical cancer increases in women. Smoking also suppresses the immune system causing HPV can reside longer in the body. Reduce your alcohol intake and try to get enough sleep every night.
HPV is a common sexually transmitted disease. However, just because it is usual that does not make it less severe. Do your own research on the best genital warts treatment. Determine the best treatment for you and your situation.