The Facts About Genital Warts Treatment
If you are sexually active you put yourself at risk for getting genital warts. The more partners you have, the higher your risk. Genital warts are caused by a virus named HPV. This virus causes warts and are highly contagious and, therefore, HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world today. If you think you have these warts is time you learned the facts about genital warts treatment.
It can be daunting to just remove your genital warts to discover that they have returned after a few months. Does this mean that a new infection? No, it just means that the HPV that causes genital warts is still in your system. There is no cure for HPV. However, in many individuals, the immune system will get rid of the virus.
Genital warts treatment can range from home remedies to surgery. If you want to try a home remedy for warts, you can try some apple cider vinegar on the warts. Undiluted apple vinegar can burn so you can dilute it with water before applying it. Some people like to use tea tree oil or green tea on their warts. It is not a good idea to use over the counter wart medicine intended for warts on hands and feet. This kind of wart medication is too harsh for the delicate skin of the genital area.
If you have a lot of warts or if home remedies do not seem to do the trick, then you should consult your doctor. He can give you a prescription for genital warts cream. There are two types of creams which can be used by home. A kind of cream works by stimulating the immune system of the body, so that it can eliminate genital warts. Another type of cream can give your doctor is made of a resin plant, and it will destroy the wart tissue.
Another type of genital wart treatment your doctor may choose to use is to apply to liquid nitrogen to freeze the warts them off. Some doctors use a device which provides an electrical current to the burn warts. Both methods can be somewhat painful and cause skin irritation. Sometimes these treatments will produce scars.
Women who have genital warts in the vagina and on the cervix will be treated differently. The first has to do what your doctor is to carry out a PAP-test to determine whether abnormal cells in the cervix. These abnormal cells may be an early indicator of cervical cancer. If the PAP test is negative for abnormal cells, the physician may decide to remove the brilliant warts from the cervix with the aid of a device that illuminates the warts road with an electric current. In some cases, when the warts are extensive, or they keep returning your doctor a laser to burn away the warts.
As you can see, genital warts treatment depends on several factors. It's a good idea to talk with your doctor about your best treatment option.
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