วันพุธที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

How Your Diet Can Help Your Genital Warts Treatment

How Your Diet Can Help Your Genital Warts Treatment

If you have genital warts then you can expect to undergo some kind of treatment to get rid of them. But you must remember that genital warts can reappear after they are removed because these warts are caused by a virus. So what can you do to get rid of genital warts forever. Keep reading to learn more about how your diet can help you learn with your genital warts treatment.

HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. This virus is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the world. It is estimated that at least 50% of sexually active people will get HPV at some time in their lives. The problem with HPV there is no medicine to kill it. Since it is a virus is not a living organism. It is a piece of DNA that joins in a specific cell in the human body and used to replicate the DNA of itself.

However, the human body has a weapon that is effective against viruses such as HPV can be. This secret weapon is the body's own immune system. Once the immune system detects an intruder in the body, activates various cells in order to eliminate the virus.

So let's say that you have genital warts. You get a great genital warts treatment from your doctor and after a week or two of your warts are completely gone. Life is good and can resume your normal activities. But to your surprise, within six months you have genital warts again! You want to infect your sexual partner blame you for it again, but this is not the case. Your body never got rid of the HPV virus.

So what can you do to help rid your genital warts treatment of your warts, so they stay away. The secret is to build a strong immune system. You can do this by eating certain foods. The following is a list of foods that will help you raise a strong immune system:

1. Yogurt. There are numerous studies on the effect of yoghurt is on the immune system. Yoghurt seems to increase the production of gamma interferon, increase the activity of natural killer cells, and can also be the production of antibodies. These are all very important parts of the immune system of the body. One study even suggested that yogurt may stimulate the immune system as much as it can actually fight cancer cells.

2. shitake mushrooms. This mushroom used for centuries for their antiviral properties. Shii Sweepstakes have strong immuno-stimulating properties. The components in these mushrooms can the function of macrophages and T lymphocytes, which are two very important elements that the body needs to fight to raise against viruses.

3. Garlic. Studies have shown that garlic can stimulate specific aspects of the immune system in order to remove the microbes and kill tumor cells.
4. All kinds of vegetables and fruits. Organic fruit and vegetables are the best because they do not contain chemicals from pesticides and herbicides. Dark purple and blue fruits are very suitable for the stimulation of the immune system. Some studies have suggested that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower can help fight cancer cells. One study found the white blood cells of vegetarians were two times more potent against tumor cells compared with the white blood cells of carnivores.

5. Oysters. These shellfish contains high levels of zinc. Zinc has been proven to enhance the activity of the immune system. Some researchers even speculate that zinc can rejuvenate an aging immune system. If you do not like oysters looking for other sources of zinc or take a zinc supplement.

6. Whole grains and fiber. If you want to maintain a healthy immune system, you need to keep your digestive system in good shape. Stool important for removing toxins from the body. Therefore, fiber so important. When you get adequate amounts of fiber will build the bulk in the stool, which is in the intestines and stimulates bowel movements. You are not waste material in your colon for days where it can possibly leak back into your body and make you sick like.

7. Water. This can not be stressed enough. Water is one of the key elements that you can put in your body. It hydrates the cells, improves organ function and flushes toxins from your body. If you want an immune system that will help your genital warts treatment effectively you have to drink more water.

So there you have a large list of foods that can help build a strong immune system. When you have a strong immune system of your genital warts treatment may be more effective. Your immune system is the best chance you have of getting rid of HPV always.

